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Thursday, August 20, 2020

How to open shopify store for free?

provide a free and unlimited trial shopify store

Shopify Store For Free - Nos Costs

Do you want an extended Shopify trial period with no monthly fees ? You came to the right place.
A standard Shopify store costs $29 a month ! Which is a lot for a beginner trying to learn and get familiar with the platform.
But with this offer, I have the ability to create stores with unlimited trial, giving you enough time to learn e-commerce and use your money wisely on courses and others.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: As of March 30, development stores can only process orders using test payments, either by activating the test payment provider (“Bogus Gateway”) or by setting the payment provider to test mode. If you need to test with real payments, you can select and purchase a Shopify plan in the account settings of your development store.

FAQ:how to use shopify for free?

Do I need to sign up for a shopify account?
Do I need to sign up for a shopify account?
You don't need to sign up for your shopify account yourself I will do this for you.

Will store be closed with a password?
Store will not be closed with a password, so it will be open and clients can buy and pay for goods from your first day.

Is it safe?
It's perfectly safe. I am a Shopify Partner and can create unlimited free trial accounts for everyone.

Is this offer only for new store?
Yes, only for new Shopify stores.
open storeShopify unlimited Free Trial Days - افتح متجرك مجانا ...

Monday, August 10, 2020

How to stay safe and healthy?

Take Care During COVID-19, Stay Safe & Healthy

Staying Healthy at Home:Protective measures Covid19

  • Clean your home regularly, particularly frequently touched surfaces like refrigerator handles, doorknobes, ...
  • Stay home stay safe. Stay physically fit. Exercise regulary. Eat a nutritious diet. Don’t smoke.
  • Stay home stay safe. Follow the Golden Rule. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use alchohol based hand-rub.
  • Stay home stay safe. If you show symptoms of COVID-19, self isolate yourself, wear a mask around others and seek medical advice.
  • Stay positive. Avoid alarmist news. Be connected to friends and family. Have a hobby.
  • If any member of the household shows symptoms of Covid-19, seek medical advice and follow your local health authority's guidance.

Covid19:Indoor activities for the whole family


  • Hide and seek with objects:Hide Sorting objectsobjects around the house. Have kids work as a team to find the objects in order.
  • Sorting objects: Place a bunch of small items into a box or bin. Ask children to look at the different objects and sort them by color, shape, size and so on.
  • Mystery box stories: Put miscellaneous art supplies into a shoebox. Have each person take five items and make something out of them. Each person then has to make up a story using his or her item. Children can write about their objects, as well.
  • Fingerprint painting with water: Have your children use each finger of their hand to create an object out of only their fingerprints.
  • Puzzles: Draw your own design—abstract or simple—on your cardboard or paper. Next, cut puzzle-like pieces into the cardboard or paper. Have another family member try to piece together your picture.
Examples of home-based exercises

Examples of home-based exercises

*Fitnes: Stay physically active during self-quarantine

  • Follow an online exercise class. Take advantage of the wealth of online exercise classes. Many of these are free and can be found on YouTube. If you have no experience performing these exercises, be cautious and aware of your own limitations.
  • Walk. Even in small spaces, walking around or walking on the spot, can help you remain active. If you have a call, stand or walk around your home while you speak, instead of sitting down. If you decide to go outside to walk or exercise, be sure to maintain at least a 1-meter distance from other people.
  • Relax. Meditation and deep breaths can help you remain calm. A few examples of relaxation techniques are available below for inspiration.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Adele Weight Loss Secret

Adele Weight Loss broke The internet
"Thank you for the birthday love. I hope you're all staying safe and sane during this crazy time," she wrote in the caption. "I’d like to thank all of our first responders and essential workers who are keeping us safe while risking their lives! You are truly our angels ♥️2020 okay bye thanks x."
No one knows why this is, as Adele hasn’t commented on her weight publicly (and rightly so!). So we’ll say right here and now that we hope Adele is healthy and working with professionals to achieve a diet and fitness routine that makes her feel her best.

Adele Weight Loss Big Secret

Adele exercises around three times a week, according to a source who spoke to Us Weekly in July 2019. "Adele never cared about or liked working out," the source said. But it has become a part of her normal routine, and she's been alternating between cross-training and Pilates. "She does 60-minute sessions that include cardio, circuit training, and Pilates ... She's found a routine that's working for her and is enjoying it more."
 User Rating Adele Weight Loss 2020 - Exactly How Adele Lost 100 Pounds

Regular working out and exercising

An effective weight loss always involves a good diet and workout regime.
Adele's trainer worked with her and trained her 2-3 times a week where she spent time doing free and varied exercise to keep it fun, ranging from bodyweight and resistance band work to weight training and boxing. She also tried her hand at resistance training exercises and some cardio to target all areas. The singer also picked up Pilates last year, which helped her get into the shape she wanted to.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Can eating more chilli help with weight loss?

Do 'fat burning' chillis REALLY help you lose weight? It's good


Can adding pepper sauce to your meals really help you lose weight?

Do ‘good fats’ help your body burn more fat? There are many claims that certain foods such as chilli, green tea and coconut oil can aid weight loss by boosting metabolism or suppressing appetite. But  does the research stack up?

Dr Schenker says: Chilli Burning Fat

‘There have been some interesting studies on the potential of chillies to aid weight loss. Experiments in animals and humans show that eating a meal containing chilli increases energy expenditure and fat oxidation compared to the same meal without chilli. One recent study from Oxford Brookes University looked at the thermic effects of chilli and coconut oil (which contains a type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides, MCT). The researchers concluded that adding chilli and MCT to meals increases the thermic effect of food (the energy burnt when you digest food) by more than 50 per cent, which may, over time, help induce weight loss. This has led to suggestions that regular chilli consumption could help reduce obesity.
However, there are drawbacks: not everyone relishes the thought of a spicy breakfast and, for some, spicy food can cause unpleasant side-effects. The amount of chilli needed to have an effect is high– some studies used 30g per day.
Furthermore, the effect could be lost over time as the body adapts.
‘While there’s some scientific research looking at whether green-tea extracts can influence fat mass and weight loss, at present, there’s no solid proof consumption of green-tea extracts will improve weight loss to any meaningful degree.’


‘Nice as it sounds, there’s no solid evidence that food or drinks are “fat burning” or “burn more calories”. Most “fat-burning” foods are not calorie-laden but don’t burn more calories per se. If you like chilli, there’s no harm in consuming a little more, but don’t expect miraculous results and don’t use it as an excuse to eat unhealthy food. In other words, a hotter curry does not mean a cake later!’

Detox Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

Delicious Juices to Keep your Liver Healthy


There’s nothing like a glass of juice to pep you up. It also counts as one of your Five-A-day. But can taking it further and following a juice fast help your body detox? The theory is that juicing offers an easily digestible injection of vitamins and minerals to nourish your body while giving it a break from the demands of digestion and aiding the elimination of toxins.
But while packed with vitamins, juice is also loaded with sugar and bad for your teeth. So is more always better?

Dr Schenker says: Detox Juice Recipes improve Weight Loss

‘Juice is usually packed with vitamins and minerals but the lack of protein, fat, fibre and complex carbohydrate is detrimental to the normal functioning of the body.
This can leave you feeling tired, dizzy and nauseous. These symptoms are not a result of toxin expulsion, as is commonly reported. Some essential nutrients require help from other nutrients to be fully beneficial; for example, vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins and, without fat, their absorption will be limited.
Sugar in liquid form, when not attached to fibre such as fruit skin, is absorbed readily by the body, causing a blood-sugar spike which can leave you moody and hungry. A few days’ juice diet will give rapid weight loss due to low calorie intake. But much of the initial weight loss is water weight. When no fuel from food is available, your body turns to muscle glycogen and, as levels deplete, the water
in which it’s stored is lost. There is also a reduction in muscle mass.
‘Arguably, one benefit to a short-term juice detox is that it can help people break a cycle of unhealthy eating. There’s evidence that when returning to a normal calorie intake, you may be more mindful about food choices and feel fuller with less food.’
BEST Green Juice for Healing & Weight Loss! - YouTube


‘The liver and kidneys are the body’s organs responsible for excreting toxins. As long as they stay healthy, they’ll work normally every day without the need for “detox” juice. The lack of nutritional balance is one of the main reasons a juice fast is not considered a healthy choice – and the longer the juice fast, the worse the situation becomes. While there is no real harm in having a couple of juice days as a kickstart for a new period of healthy eating, be aware that you might not feel great, so pick a quiet weekend on which to do it!’